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At the International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, we are driven by the relentless pursuit of improving the lives of giraffe worldwide. We refuse to accept the status quo, challenging ourselves to envision a future where all giraffe are living their best lives. We are not only pioneers in our field but also stewards of change, dedicated to reshaping giraffe care and conservation for generations to come. Our groundbreaking approach unites a diverse array of stakeholders within the giraffe community, fostering collaboration and forging vital connections to enhance the wellbeing of giraffe everywhere. Learn more

Giraffe mom nuzzling her baby

Who We Work With

Woman enjoying giraffe taking a selfie with them

Accredited facilities represent the gold standard in animal care and wellbeing, and facilitate pooled resources, expertise, and funding to support conservation projects aimed at protecting giraffe populations and their habitats.

Private giraffe ownership in the United States comes with unique responsibilities and challenges. With an estimated population of around 500 giraffe in private ownership across the country, owners play a crucial role in the conservation and welfare of these iconic animals.

Wild giraffe in Africa lying down in a meadow

We can gain valuable insights from studying wild giraffe populations that can be applied to enhancing the care and management of giraffe in human care. Likewise, insights gained from ex situ environments can inform conservation efforts in the wild. This reciprocal exchange of knowledge allows us to develop innovative strategies for giraffe conservation and welfare.

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Our Commitments

Commitment to Innovation

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is our proving ground, so we maintain a culture capable of always pressing forward. We aren’t afraid of failure – it’s part of learning and progress.

Commitment to Walk the Talk

Our credibility starts and ends with the quality of life we give to our animals. We address welfare challenges head on and provide inspiring examples to our giraffe community.

Commitment to Evidence-backed Practice

We generate and utilize data and evidence to inform our practices and our teachings, and we’re open about what we don’t know. This gives us the confidence to speak as an authority.

Commitment to Share Knowledge

We openly share information along the way in digestible ways. We want knowledge to be accessible so that it can be applied.

Commitment to Go Far Together

We build positive relationships and foster trust among the giraffe community. Standing shoulder to shoulder, we facilitate growth together.

Graphic circle showing ideas and commitments cycle.

Love GIraffe?

Get involved! Your support of the International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe will help provide cutting-edge care for giraffe across the country and around the world.


For information or to make a donation, please contact:

Kelley Parker, Director of Development

719-424-7810 | kparker@cmzoo.org

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