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What is the International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe?

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo boasts a rich heritage of nurturing a diverse and interactive herd of giraffes, actively engaging guests through all-day feeding sessions, conducting weekly hoof care routines, and a pioneering a myriad of voluntary husbandry and medical procedures. With over 200 giraffe calf births, the team is dedicated to continuous learning, teaching, and fostering a global network aimed at advancing the giraffe welfare. The establishment of the International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe (the Giraffe Center) is a concerted initiative by Cheyenne Mountain Zoo to consolidate resources and enhance educational endeavors, with the overarching goal of elevating the standard of care and enriching the lives of giraffe worldwide. Download our flyer PDF


Our foundational strengths and opportunities for growth, shaped by insights from
a broad range of stakeholders including partners, clients, and staff. 

Expertise and Specialization

The Giraffe Center team possesses a wealth of expertise and specialization in the husbandry, training, and welfare of giraffe in human care that is second to none. With years of dedicated experience and a deep passion for giraffe, team members are highly skilled in all aspects of giraffe management, from dietary needs and enclosure design to training and enrichment programming.

Inclusive Approach

The Giraffe Center takes an inclusive approach that values collaboration, transparency and shared learning among stakeholders. By creating a safe and nonjudgmental space where ideas are welcomed and encouraged, the Giraffe Center is able to facilitate meaningful dialogue, foster mutual understanding, and drive positive change in giraffe care and conservation efforts worldwide.

International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe logo

Learning Organization

The internal culture at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is one of continuous learning and growth. Embracing a mindset where failure is not scary but seen as a necessary part of learning empowers the Giraffe Center team to explore, innovate, and challenge conventional wisdom.

Integrated Autonomy

Embedded within Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, the Giraffe Center is able to harness the collective resources, expertise and support of the larger organization while preserving its unique identity and mission. Moreover, the Center can leverage the Zoo's infrastructure, networks and institutional knowledge while retaining the flexibility and agility necessary to drive innovation, excellence and positive impact in giraffe welfare and conservation efforts.

Love GIraffe?

Do you want to be a part of something bigger? We encourage you to make a gift towards giraffe research. By uniting our financial contributions, we will make a stronger impact on projects that benefit the greater good, including: nutrition, hoof health, barn design, medication studies, etc.


For further information, please contact:

Kelley Parker, Director of Development

719-424-7810 | kparker@cmzoo.org

Baby giraffe lying down in the dirt


With over 30 years of combined experience, our specialized staff are looking forward to working with you.

Photo of Amy and one of the giraffe at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Senior Animal Behaviorist

I am a Senior Animal Behaviorist for Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s International Center for the Care and Conservation of Giraffe. CMZoo’s giraffe program has a long-standing history with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) as a leading expert in the husbandry, management, veterinary practices, and training of giraffe in human care. 

I have worked with giraffe, specifically, for more than 20 years. I’ve been working with Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s giraffe herd since 2013. In that time, we have hosted over 28 giraffe-centric workshops, teaching everything from browse programs, nutrition, substrate management, training, neonate prep and care, teamwork, and hoof health management. Additionally, I have been studying animal behavior alongside experts, especially Behavior Works, in the field for the entirety of my career. I currently consult with many facilities on how to train giraffes for cooperative care. 

Photo of Diana and one of the giraffe at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Giraffe Specialist

I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh with a bachelor’s degree in Biology. I have more than 10 years of experience working on Cheyenne Mountain Zoo’s exemplary giraffe team and have worked with more than 40 individual giraffe.  During that time, I have progressed to become a certified Hoof Care Professional in exotic species and have maintained the hoof health of CMZoo’s herd through voluntary hoof trim procedures.

 I have helped to plan, teach, and lecture at CMZoo’s workshops, and AZA, Giraffid, and AAZK conferences, as well as lead AZA’s SAFE Giraffe initiatives. I have a passion for teaching, with strong focuses on conservation, positive reinforcement training, hoof care and guest engagement that inspires a love for giraffe care and conservation.

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